Thursday, October 8, 2009

In The Beginning

Well, this is my first post on my new blog. I am very new to this kind of thing.

A little about myself.

I am retired and am a lover of vintage. I especially like bakelite, jadite, vintage purses, and vanity items. I also love to create handmade totes and bags.

My husband is also retired and is an especially fine flint knapper. He makes arrowheads using NON modern tools. An award winner I might add.

I have two grown successful sons both working for major corporations. My oldest is married to a lovely young woman, a success in her own right, and lives in another city. My youngest lives nearby and is enjoying his life as a bachelor.

We have been sellers on ebay for over 10 1/2 years, and I now sell on Etsy, and Artfire.

As you can see by the pic below, I also have many turtles, tortoises and our special little family member the dog. Oh, and we also have a cat.

I hope to be able to keep up with this blog! I think it might be fun.

Have a great day!