Saturday, December 26, 2009

Ecrater Multiple Purchases Shipping Matrix Solution

I believe this is a solution that will work for sellers that have lightweight (first class, under 13 oz) items for sale on Ecrater and have multiple purchases.

Let me know what you think at .

Here is the suggestion:

Ecrater shipping matrix for items under 1 lb. with multiple purchases.

For this example we will use USA only, but the same will hold true for other countries as well.
First do not think of the “weight” of the item. Think of it as one unit or one item (ex. pair of earrings)

In admin -
Under shipping and taxes. Choose weight scales and click on small. Click update

In shipping zones - USA mainland ( for this example) Click update

Now choose shipping matrix. Under the 1 put in the amount you will be charging for shipping ONE item.

Now, in the next box to the right under 2 put in the amount you would charge if the person purchased 2 lightweight items, ( ex. 2 pairs of earrings ) and do the same in the box under 4, etc. In any of these boxes you can give a discount, it doesn’t have to be MORE than the amount charged for 1 item. Be sure to click update.

EX. you charge 1.50 to ship 1 pair of earrings and want to charge 2.00 to ship 2 pairs, and 3.00 to ship 3 - 4 and have free shipping for 5 or more.

Listing the product:

Put in all your pertinent information ( title etc.) and when you get to the weight portion put in the number 1. This as mentioned above will stand for 1 unit or item, not weight.

Next - Under shipping choose weight dependable.

Be sure to click on add when finished with this page.

After the purchase:

Ecrater will look at the amount of items purchased, and see what you have put in the product form for “weight” on each item which will be 1 and add them up. They will also “round up” to the next highest weight. So If the buyer purchased 2 pairs of earrings and under each product listing you have a 1, Ecrater will total them to 2. They will then look at the shipping matrix to see what you have for the shipping under 2. If the buyer purchases 5 earrings, Ecrater sees a total of 5, rounds up and sees what you have under that weight in the matrix.

Buyer purchases 1 pair of earrings - shipping is 1.50

Buyer purchases 2 pair of earrings - shipping is 2.00

Buyer purchases 3 pairs of earrings - shipping is 3.00

Buyer purchases 4 pairs of earrings - shipping is 3.00

Buyer purchases 5-6 pairs of earrings - shipping is 0.00

I tried this out for my husbands new ecrater site and did a sample purchase. It seemed to work just fine. Hope this works for others!

If you get a chance check out Desertknapper at Ecrater and or the website for Desertknapper