I have a vintage glass swag hanging lamp in my shop. Globe shaped with the "antiqued brass" look. Lamp works great!

Woodland Head Count:
19 - Black Tailed Hares, Cottontails
10 - Ground Squirrels
2 - Quail
1 - Coyote
and again numerous birds including the quail, ravens, doves, flicker, wrens, mockingbirds,hummingbirds, finches.
As we were walking along we noticed several squirrels and rabbits running at top speed, and I said to my husband, "the coyote must be out there". Sure enough as we looked to the Northwest, there he stood, almost completely camouflaged against the desert sand. As soon as we turned our heads and looked at him, he lay down, too late buddy, we saw you.
The cutest thing we saw was when we startled a baby cottontail and he ran off as fast as his feet would carry him. A great laugh for the morning!