Friday, February 3, 2012

Flint Knapped Arrowhead Necklace by Desertknapper

Newest arrivals from Desertknapper's shop on Etsy. The necklaces are all handmade, and are on leather cording. Some of the necklaces are adjustable, and some have clasps. All arrowheads and mini knives are handmade by Mark using traditional flint knapping methods. Stone used is found by him while hiking in the Mojave Desert and going to ancient quarry sites that were used by Native Americans. Some of the necklaces are mini knives made using purchased coyote foot bones, and some are hafted onto wood. Other necklaces are made with arrowheads that have been wire wrapped.

Very unique and one of a kind!

Please be sure to click the link to see a sample of one of the necklaces that can be found on his site Desertknapper on Etsy.

Have a great day!